Très bon billet de James Citrin, Senior Director | Spencer Stuart, sur un sujet qui intéressera sûrement plusieurs personnes désirant décrocher un poste sur un conseil d’administration. Les diplômés et les diplômées des programmes de formation en gouvernance de sociétés, tels que le Collèges des administrateurs de sociétés (CAS), le Directors College (DC) et l’Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD), sont particulièrement invités (es) à lire ce billet d’expert, mais aussi à suivre les discussions sur son Blogue. Voici, ci-dessous, un extrait de l’article :
You Want to Be a Board Director – Now What?
“You’re a sitting chief executive officer who wants to see how another company’s board governs. Or you’re an aspiring CEO who wants to benefit from a valuable professional development opportunity and expand your marketability. Perhaps you are a newly retired executive who wants to stay active and connected. Or maybe you are a functional leader who wants to contribute your expertise in exchange for gaining a broader strategic perspective. You may even be a CEO or chief HR officer looking for ways to improve your own company’s succession planning by getting your CEO-ready executives boardroom experience. Whether it is one of these or any other number of reasons, many of today’s senior executives would like to join a corporate board of directors. The irony is that while much has been written about the legitimate difficulties of companies finding qualified and interested directors for their boards, there are a growing number of prospective directors who would be all too happy to serve. If you are one of these prospective directors, the question is how position yourself and navigate the nuances of the director selection process to get placed on a board”.
L’auteur propose six étapes à suivre. Lire l’article pour plus de détails.
- Board Bio
- Target List
- Your Interests
- Director Events
- Search Firms
- Not for Profits
“Board service is often a rewarding experience both professionally and personally. There is a growing demand for dedicated directors who can guide and govern our corporations. So if you want to be a board director and bring your expertise to bear, we offer these six steps to get you on your way. Good luck”.
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- Men, Women on Corporate Boards Split on Diversity
- A difference of opinion: What corporate boards really think about diversity
Filed under: Administrateurs de sociétés certifiés, Banque d'administrateurs de sociétés, Composition des Conseils, Diversité, Formation en gouvernance, Gouvernance, Indépendance des administrateurs, Management (Haute direction), OBNL | OSBL, Règlementation en gouvernance, Relève Tagged: Board, C.A., composition, Diversité, formation, gouvernance, independance, OBNL | OSBL, Recrutement, succession